Well, the little devils were determined to get out of the box today, so it was time to move them back to the big puppy pen. Here's Momma and babes settling in..

They aren't quite sure of the paper covered area...their box was fully covered with a pad, but they are starting to venture out on it and meet and greet the other dogs.

In addition to Snuggles, they now have a new fuzzy buddy - Wharton the Wart Hog.....who seems to have become one's new best friend. ( far left corner)

I had to put up towels around the fenced portions to make sure they didn't stick their little heads through the openings ..... in a week or so they'll be too big to do that... plus it stops the drafts.

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Puppy News

I don't have any plans in the near future for any litters,
If you are looking for a puppy,people send me their litter announcements and I put that info on INFORMATION ON AVAILABLE LITTERS
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