Prize's Day

Today, Prize went for a ride over to the SPCA so we could take some items for their thrift shop.....Prize had "helped" me this morning as I tried to clean out the art room to make room for the new futon. Of course, when I say "helped", I really mean "This could have been a whole lot faster if the little devil were asleep somewhere." Therefore it was nearly noon before the van was loaded, Prize was loaded and we were off.

Taffy also came to stay for the night, so her owners could go to the Sugar Bowl. We all went on a walk about the yard when we got back. Here's the little devil sharpening her teeth on a pine tree... I know that's how she keeps them so "knife-life" ;-)

I had laundry going too ....washing dog sheets, undies and other things. I finally sat down for a cup of tea and didn't see Prize snoozing on any of the dog beds. Finally looked in the laundry room and there she was conked out on the newly cleaned dog sheets I use for their beds. She looked so comfy, I just left her there....She's had a busy morning already.

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